Fusion 360 Future of Work Webinar Series
We would like to invite you to a free webinar series MESA is hosting, on behalf of Autodesk, Inc. in the coming weeks. We’re contacting drafting and technical high school teachers across the country to help them learn about new software tools for their students.
By the time your students reach the workforce, the changes brought by technology being created now by Autodesk and others, will change the way work is done from the way people are working today.
Each webinar will cover Autodesk’s outlook on the Future of Work and will feature an Autodesk® Fusion 360® workflow that will demonstrate a future view of design and manufacturing available today.
Future of Work: Fusion 360 Overview
April 27th, 3:30-5:30pm EST
Speaker: Jim Logue
Future of Work: Fusion 360 CAM
May 4th, 3:30-5:30pm EST
Speaker: Steve Olson
Future of Work: Fusion 360 Generative Design
May 12th, 3:30-5:30pm EST
Speaker: Jared Bowser
By the time your students reach the workforce, the changes brought by technology being created now by Autodesk and others, will change the way work is done from the way people are working today.
Each webinar will cover Autodesk’s outlook on the Future of Work and will feature an Autodesk® Fusion 360® workflow that will demonstrate a future view of design and manufacturing available today.
Future of Work: Fusion 360 Overview
April 27th, 3:30-5:30pm EST
Speaker: Jim Logue
Future of Work: Fusion 360 CAM
May 4th, 3:30-5:30pm EST
Speaker: Steve Olson
Future of Work: Fusion 360 Generative Design
May 12th, 3:30-5:30pm EST
Speaker: Jared Bowser